A window to promote multicultural exchange and support, for building and proposing ideas and projects, for joining actors, for announcing plays and initiatives, for presenting local groups and plays, for sharing inspiration and experiences...

Fio Prumo (Circus Theater)

Event: Fio Prumo (Circus Theater)
What: Performance
Host: Gilberto Oliveira
When: Thursday 23 July, 22h00 - Sunday 2 August, 11h00
Where: Cace Cultural do Porto / Garagem da Panmixia/ Portugal


  1. good... :)
    I will be at Portugal between 22th and 26th and between 2th and 3th and 9th...

    so i will be able to see the play... :)

    can you join me Joana? :)
    it would be a good opportunity to meet you..

  2. Oh I'm so sorry Diogo, I just see today your comment :( I miss the play :( When you come back??
